
The Just Jot It January 8th prompt, brought to you by Geoff of TanGentle is: “Mongrel.” Use it any way you like. Make sure you stop by Geoff’s website and say hello to him! Here’s the link: https://geofflepard.com/ And thanks to our fearless leader Linda G Hill!



Cersei and Jamie Lannister, the Targaryens, our real-life royal families and dog breeders aim to keep family lines pure. In the process, it becomes dangerous. Joffrey comes to mind. Physical and mental issues result from inbreeding. Those poor poodles and other purebreds often have many problems, just so the owners can be proud of their fluffy friend. With dangers of birth defects, breeders and owners monetary output is huge. Maybe the breeder makes the most money. But what good is all that?

Mongrels are best! They are, for the most part, healthier. AND sweetest! Most of the pets of my life have found their way to me when they needed me and I needed them the most. Either they were strays I found or others found and gave me. Once in a while, I forced the issue by heading to the local ‘pound’ or animal shelter. When that happened, I would wander the place until that special pet called and connected to me. I always felt better getting pets that way than going to pet stores or breeders. I hoped to save the animal and often they saved me.

Kali (see the above picture), was a rescue my daughter found at the animal shelter worked her way into my heart. As much as the weather has been crazy lately, I haven’t felt my fibromyalgia going nuts. Could it be my new bed-mate, nap-friend, walking partner has figured out how to heal me? Look at that face! There is pure love!