This IS Rubbish!

So, twice a month or so we have the opportunity to ride the senior bus to the nearest city and hour and a half away. We do the bulk of our grocery shopping and hubby does doctors appointments. I don’t go anymore because the seats hurt me and the cold hurts me. Every time I went those pains would set of the fibro and I’d be down for a week to two weeks. Knowing that was why I felt we could take on the separation-anxiety-dog. I’d always be home for her. And that part has worked out marvelously.

WELL… the city trip was this morning. Hubby got up and got ready to go. At 6ish he walked out to meet the ride. Because of last night’s rain, our snow was ice. I bet you can see where that is going. Yep, he fell and messed up his shoulder pretty bad. So now the trip for him wasn’t to get groceries but to go to the doctors. He has to go again tomorrow for x-rays. Doc didn’t know if it is broken but put him in a sling and sent him home.

Meanwhile, my brother has caught the cold/cough/flu from hell so he can’t go to work or do much more than sleep hoping to get better.

I am the world’s worst nurse. My hubby is way better at it than me. When I am flaring he takes very good care of me. But now it is my turn to play nurse around here. This is– I am rubbish at this!

As anyone who has ever had a broken or sprained limb knows, everything is a challenge. Luckily it is his left shoulder. Even still getting into and out of bed leaves him, and me, exhausted as he tried to not hurt and move around and of course moving makes it all hurt. We had to laugh as it seemed he was a turtle on his back trying to get up. I offer my hand but I can’t pull him up. No amount of wiggling worked to get him in a better position to escape the bed. Finally, we rigged up a belt system he could grab the belt that was tied to a nearby chair and that did it. I just hope he doesn’t have to get up in the middle of the night. And tomorrow he has to go back to town all over again. And for these two trips, there will be no groceries. Because he just won’t have the energy or time to do it. That will have to wait til next week.

I take comfort in the fact that about 4 in the morning it is supposed to snow. If that’s the case walking out to the bus at 6 might be a little easier if it is deep enough to cover the ice. If not there will be a lot more to this story tomorrow. Stay tuned…


Thanks very much to Wendy for today’s prompt, “rubbish.” Please visit her post for today and say hi! You can find it here:

And don’t forget, even if you haven’t been participating in Just Jot It January up ’til now, it’s not too late to start! Click here for details and to read the other amazing posts:

And, again, thank you, Linda G Hill, our fearless leader!