
I wonder if the opposite of transcendent is a nap? There were so many things to rise above today that all I could do was nap.

The story from yesterday about hubby’s fall and messed up arm? Yeah, well the doctor says his shoulder is broken and has two good sized chips. Trouble is we still don’t know if surgery will be what he needs. All we know is that he is in horrible pain and is helpless on many counts. Thank goodness for Vicoden. We won’t know until Monday or Tuesday what the next step would be. Meanwhile, the two trips to town wore us both down. Even though I don’t go, the trip requires an early wake-up. I needed to get up and help him get ready to do.

I feel badly not going. But the trip kills me. I mentioned that before. But if he has to go to Portland at the other end of the state, how would I manage that? And would there be any accommodations for me? And who will take care of the separation-anxiety- grandpup?

And we got more snow today that has enough time to melt a bit and then became more ice. It is impossible to walk outside our home. Poor Kali is on her own for those very quick trips for relief.

So I stayed inside and made another hat:


And then all the world shattering events today. Is there a possibility to be transcendent? Now that it is 10 PM all I can think is when can I go to sleep?



The Just Jot It January 20th prompt, brought to you by Deborah of the blog, Notes Tied on the Sagebrush, is: “Transcendent.” Use it any way you’re inspired to. And make sure you stop by and say hi to Deborah as well! Here’s her blog: .

And once again, thank you, Linda G Hill.