
Habits are like glass. Just as the sand glass is made from can be an irritant in your shoe or your food, some habits can irritate us. Smoking, eating the wrong foods, not getting enough sleep or exercise are those irritating habits we need to work on. But there are other habits we need to work on.

My friends and I have been trying to find ways to get good habits back into our lives, specifically journaling daily, or cleaning those trouble spots in the house, or getting that walk in (no chance on this ice around here right now).

If I work on the habits I want to form, I consider it putting the fire on unformed sand to make a lump and blowing air into it. January first I thought this Just Jot it January to be a good way to form my journaling habit. It was a grain of thought then. Now I am seeing the end of the month and realize that I have a bit of an idea how this habit will be when it is well formed. I realize I still have to keep blowing the life into this to get more form to it. But it is beginning to take shape.

And now the irritant is just a bit of a nudge. I hear my inner voice saying, just jot something down. It doesn’t take much. It’s just a tiny step to typing from cruising the internets, especially FaceBook, to a form of thoughts for the day. Once I’m typing it seems pretty easy to just keep on.

Isn’t it interesting how a grain of sand can make glass to hold water to drink or pearls for decoration?  That glass can even hold sand in various colors–future glass or pearls to form.

Okay, this stream of consciousness is either in lump form or ready to break into a million pieces. So I’ll let it sit in the form it’s in. After all, this is:




Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday and Just Jot It January is: “glass.” Use the word “glass,” or find something that’s made of it and use that in your post. Have fun! Thank you, Linda G Hill for this new addiction!