In honor of Valentine’s Day (click to see Joey’s answers)

Who’s older?
Me by six months

Who was interested first?
Hard to say. We met online, Prodigy July 1994. Sent tons of emails back and forth. Started talking for hours on the phone. Then finally he came to my house two hours away.

How long have you been together? 
Since 1995

Happily, even

More sarcastic? 
I say him but he says both of us equal.

Who makes the most mess? 
He is. Though with all my knitting stuff strewn about it is hard to see table tops or bed tops.

Who has more tattoos? Neither

Better singer? 
Me. Voice Lessons–Music Major. He has a deep wonderful voice that I think would make his voice better if he had lessons.

Hogs the remote?
He does. I am so busy with the knitting and other stuff that I really don’t care what’s on. I just like the background noise.

Better driver? 
He is. I like to go faster than the speed limit and sing at the top of my voice. But the point is moot as we don’t have a car.

Spends the most?
Both of us but we have a serious budget so as to stay alive we watch it carefully.

“Who’s smarter?”
That depends on the topic or which intelligence we are using IQ or EQ.

Most common sense?
He says the cats. It’s rather the same as the smarter question.

What are your middle names? 
He doesn’t have one. Mine is Mary.

Whose siblings do you see most often?
My brother lives with us. Soooo….

Do you have any children together?
Nope. But 6 cool adults between us. 4 for me 2 for him.

Did you go to the same school? 

Who is the most sensitive? 
He is. I am so ADD I have no clue but he is always sweet and can tell when I need help or need to talk. Don’t tell him but I think he’s adorable!

Where do you eat out most as a couple? 
Not often but we love Del Taco or Dominoes. But there is not either in our little town.

Where is the farthest you two have traveled together? 
Alaska on a cruise!

Who has the worst temper? 
We’re equal. We both have issues but hate conflict so find it better to wait and talk it out.

Who does the cooking?
I hate cooking! He is pretty good. But mostly we cook for ourselves, individually. I’m a vegetarian, he’s a carnivore.

Who is more social?
Mostly I think me. But the fibro has put a damper on that. Now he is the one that has to go out and take the bus for shopping. Maybe in the spring…

Who is the neat freak?
What’s that?

Who is the most stubborn? 
He says him–or maybe me.

Who hogs the bed? 
The dog or the cats.

Who wakes up earlier? 
Him. I prefer to go to sleep at around 2 and wake around 9.

Where was your first date?
Bookstore–Barnes and Noble, I think.

Who has the bigger family? 

Do you get flowers often? 
Not so much now but he used to get me flowers lots. No place to get them here.

Who does the laundry?
Well, that is like cooking. We each do our own. We are retired so he needs something to do! 😉

Who’s better with the computers?
Him! I call him my IT guy.

Who drives when you are together?
The bus driver, Debbie. When we had a car he would do most of the driving, he knew his way around the town more than I did. (He worked for the newspaper and they had him all over that city and the ones nearby)

Who picks where you go to dinner? We both decide on Del Taco.

Well, thank you Joey for the fun blog prompt!