
If you want to know and possibly participate in this challenge go HERE. This is my first time so I am not quite sure what I’m doing. I just like having prompts to get the blogging done. We are supposed to keep this short but this may be long as I am also doing the:



Stream of Consciousness Saturday is brought to us by Linda G Hill. Click her name to see how this works. It does help get the writing chops working.

So following both prompts here is today’s blog:

As it Applies: Anxiety, Adventure, Aches, and pains.


Thursday morning after a night of no sleep, I rarely sleep well when I know I have to get up early for something important, I got up and talked Kali into her vest, harness, and leash. I told her that today would be an adventure. She was pretty excited about wearing the vest because the last few times she got to go on walks.

When you think of doing something for the first time, you picture it how you think it will be. I pictured one of the bins we take to hold our groceries for a dog bed to sit next to me. Instead, I put her blanket next to me. Hubby took the bin up in the seat with him.

For my tailbone issue, I brought the

https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01EBDV9BU/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1  81y3YeUzI+L._SL1500_

I found it more helpful to turn it upside down with the little grippy side up as it made it more firm. It did help the bumpy parts of the road not hurt quite so much but it still hurt my back and neck. But maybe turning to make sure Kali was okay, or holding her on my lap made it worse?

By the time we got to our first stop we had been in the bus for an hour. Kali and I were both feeling car sick. Not enough to make messes but just yuckie, ya know? Most folks get out of the bus and get breakfast. I don’t like most breakfast foods so I pick up Pringles. The tea and coffee are always too hot for me so I just picked up a diet Dr, Pepper. These help settle my tummy.

I felt naked as I walked Kali around the store. I don’t know why. She was very good. Heeled just where she should. No one said anything about her and there were many employees around that could have said something. So I gave Hubby my purchases and took Kali back out for a walk. The next get out was another half hour away.

A couple chips and swigs of pop and my tummy sorted itself out. While everyone was eating their breakfasts I tried to give Kali a drink of water and her food. She refused.

Once in the big town we dropped people off at their appointments. Hubby asked if I wanted to come with him but I felt funny about it. I told him we would stay on the bus.

Bad news? Hubby will need to have surgery on that shoulder. Apparently there was another chip on the top of the rotator so, yeah–not just one chip on his shoulder. LOL! Still, this is going to get more complicated and painful before it gets better.

I didn’t even get out at the dollar store. There are things I need that I should have checked to see if they had but I still didn’t feel up to it. And those stores are always crowded, even without people in them.

Most every stop I took Kali out for a walk. The weather changed in that short time, EVERY time! Cloudy, sunny, raining, windy. Windy was when I aimed us back to the bus. It was the first time I’ve ever taken bags to clean up after her. On our walks in the countryside there is no need. It’s all dirt. So this was a newness for me. No biggie, just needed to be more aware.

Even at Wally World I didn’t take her in the store. I just couldn’t handle –something. Too many people? Worrying about her? I don’t know. So broken shouldered Hubby had to do the shopping. We couldn’t afford much so it didn’t take long.

Meanwhile, it was fun on the bus. Everyone has stories to tell. We laugh freely. Our driver is such a wonderful person. Always cheerful and helpful to everyone on the bus. She has that kindness that is rare. I love being on her bus. It’s just the ride itself that kills me and makes me carsick. Think about the wealth of experiences all these seniors have. There is so much to learn from everyone. And there aren’t that many people. It’s a small bus so it’s most comfortable with fewer than 6 people because of how full it gets after everyone goes shopping.

All the people loved Kali and though they spoke to her and even offered her treats, they were respectful of her job and didn’t overwhelm us. In fact, after not eating all day, one of the ladies gave her a treat that she actually liked.

At the end of the day, we dropped people off at their homes. That was the bad part for me. Each house had a dog that runs up to say hi to the folks on the bus. Kali claimed the bus. I think she was protecting me. But I tightened her leash and put her on the other side of me with a NO. I still said hello to the visiting pups while holding Kali off. Maybe I should have given her a chance but I just didn’t want that kind of behavior.

When we got home Kali was SO excited she ran from room to room and doing that crazy jumping running thing dogs do when they are happy. I took off her vests and she did that shake it off thing. She was a very happy puppy then.

But I have had 3 days of exhaustion and pain from doing very little. I don’t understand it.