Just Jot It January is brought to us by Linda G. Hill. Go check out her site. The prompt for the day is boisterous.

After the drama of yesterday’s prompt, I cannot feel boisterous. With all that is happening in the world, I cannot feel boisterous.

There are some things I feel grateful for, the healing of my ex-but-friend-and-always-my-adult-childrens’-father. Health, home, family, friends, food…etc.

But not boisterous.

I think I used to be. I think I am still more energetic that even my body or people I know and love can handle. I think that is why I have a hard time with the fibro/arthritis. I want to follow my ADHD from here to there and back, but only my brain goes and the rest sits and knits. It seems all I can do. At least I can do that. And the projects go to folks who need them. At least there’s that.

Boisterous goes with my kids when they were small and had enough energy people always told me they wish we could bottle it. As tired as I was chasing the four of them, I knew where that energy came from. Boisterous goes with reading aloud books like

The Monster at the End of this Book


I think if I read it again to my pets I might gain back a bit of the Boist!