Cleaning a closet and calligraphy take me down Memory Lane.

A different kind of journey.

Yes, this #1liner needs an explanation. I got this calligraphy set when my youngest was maybe twelvish? The green lettering was my practice from long ago. Then you see the Hey, Mickey y… hey Mickey. Then the Lilith, Vampire, etc. Yep, my daughter’s. There were several other names and work that surprised and amused me. Probably too personal to share names. But my BFF’s (since sixth grade) daughter has a page as do my son who was very gothic in his day, and a student from the school I was fortunate to teach at had a sample. Aw! Memories! Oh! That l o g o was not me spelling something. that is today’s practice at downstrokes and ovals.

I’ve decided I need to start writing by hand and making my own stationery, etc. It’s the result of the newest ‘what if’ that hit me. What if the internet goes away and I need to get back into writing by hand? What if we need to use the mail system more. Besides, I love getting mail. I need to get busy and send my favorite people my notes because I love them! Hence calligraphy practice. I hope to include more artwork in my day along with all the knitting. Just because.


This was the extended version of One-Liner Wednesday, brought to us by the ever-talented, Linda G. Hill.