is just an eight without curves! I just realized that today.

I’m not going to pretend to know X words. X-rays are more than just words, they are a main-stay for Grey’s Anatomy series. This is not the place to be X-rated. And I guess I’m done. Sure I could go Google X words, but I’d rather show what I’d like to have:

I tried so hard to get a photo but the WEBS thing doesn’t like WordPress or the other way around. You can make four socks at a time or really large items.  Here’s a YouTube of Scarlett Royal teaching how to work with what I have been calling the X-wing knitter.

Would that be a good way to use my stim check? Or is that too much and I should save it for house and food? I know it is there to help companies and I think CinDWood could use the money, too. I’m retired so…

Okay,, that is my version of the #A2Z and # WDIIA. Happy, safe, lockdown!

Now on to writing.